Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Bathtub. My Kingdom for a Bathtub.

The next day we made it to Doaktown in time for Keith and Cheryl to over-stuff us at lunchtime in the family restaurant. Keith led us out to their beautiful, isolated new home on the banks of the Miramichi River and left us there to relax while he returned to the restaurant for a couple of hours. And relax we did. Barbee and I had a nap in these beautiful peaceful surroundings while the boys built a porch swing.

They toured us around the area and showed us the old homestead and took us to the swinging bridge. A very long swinging bridge. I even walked across and back, brave girl that I am.
We had a very enjoyable evening and stayed up half the night playing cards. Albert and I slept in the house that night, in a real bed with a real bathroom right next door. Oh how I longed to soak in the bathtub. It was that close to me. I miss my bathtub. I know I would have been more than welcome to use it, but it was nearly 2 in the morning by the time we settled for the night.

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