Saturday, September 1, 2007

For your information and viewing pleasure.....

About three days before we arrived home from our super fantastic trip-of-a-lifetime traveling across Canada on a Goldwing motorcycle, I got an email from eTourism Canada saying they were looking for stories, pictures or videos from people who have traveled in Canada. They are having a contest and the contest closed August 31, so I had two days to enter after I got home. I entered my blog. Probably nothing will ever come of it, but I decided I would move my continued rantings to a new blog, cuz tourism Canada probably isn't all that interested in my blabbing on about my mishaps in the kitchen, escapades in the sex shop or my Jedediah joys.

So, if your life is so mundane that you feel the need to continue stalking me and this adventure I call life, you can continue here:


I'm so organized, it's scary.

Remember when digital cameras first came out and we all thought, "Great, now all our pictures will be categorized and labeled and easy to find. There'll be no more overflowing shoe boxes filled with photos shoved under the bed waiting for a rainy day when we can get them organized in albums."

What were we thinking? Now we have scratched CDs thrown in desk drawers that may or may not have a black felt pen scrawl of the year they were taken, and we are no more organized than we were before. And our picture archives are more easily lost forever.

Well this time I am organized! I have pictures uploaded to albums on Facebook and they are all labeled with comments - and we have only been home for 3 days. I amaze myself sometimes.

Of course I realize I am taking a chance by putting my precious memories in the hands of the Facebook gods, trusting that they will not vanish in the night in a puff of black cyber smoke.

Here are my albums for public viewing:

Cross Canada Week One

Cross Canada Week Two

Cross Canada Week Three

Nova Scotia

Cabot Trail

Bay of Fundy

Homeward Bound (New Brunswick to Ontario)

Homeward Bound II (Ontario to Saskatchewan)

Homeward Bound III (Saskatchewan to BC)

This time we do have a winner!

When we left home on July 16 the odometer read 40117. When we stopped back in our driveway on August 28 the odometer read 54502, so that's 14,385 kilometers. Patrick's guess of 14,698 was only out by 313 km. Nice job, Packer. (Lucky for you, we didn't get over to Nfld or there would have been a couple thousand more)

Okay I have say that my Mom guessed 14,225 which is only out by 160. But when she asked me how many k we'd gone when we were in Yorkton, then asked which route we were taking home, and then submitted her guess, I think that she should have gotten closer than that! So, nice try Mom, it might qualify you for the cheater's booby-prize or something but I can hardly award you the grand prize and have it sit well with my conscience. :)