Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another warm wet kiss of welcome to New Brunswick.

Sunday we headed off to Louisbourg to tour the 1700 French Fortress. It was really quite interesting. Life has changed a little in the past 300 years or so.
Louisbourg is the eastern most point we reach and as we leave the little town heading west we feel like we are now homeward bound - determined in out hearts to return one day to visit Cape Spear, Newfoundland.

We spent our 8th night in Nova Scotia and a grey Monday morning greeted us as we drove off in the direction of New Brunswick. We made it to Truro, NS in light rain that was rather refreshing. We needed some groceries and boy-stuff from Canadian Tire and by the time we returned to the truck and bike, it was pouring buckets.
We dawdled over lunch in the parking lot, spent some time wandering through Staples and sat staring at one another for a while before the rains let up enough for us to carry on.

I learned that my rainsuit works really well.
You know how every person has little quirks (especially spouses) that bug you, but not quite to the point you feel the need to nag, but they bug you non-the-less. Alb has always resisted using windshield wipers in a vehicle. It's as if he wants to see how little vision he can have before he breaks down and wipes the windows.

Well, on Monday August 13th I was secretly thankful for all the practice he's had with that little quirk. I still don't understand why motorbikes don't have windshield wipers. Albert stashed a little blue paper shop towel in his crotch to keep it dry between the wipings of his glasses and the windshield. With one hand on the handlebars and the other on his paper towel, he expertly manouvered Betty between pools of water on the road to safely deliver us to our campsite on the shores of the Bay of Fundy.

If I recall, the only other rain we have ridden in was our entrance to New Brunswick heading east. Maybe it's just their traditional welcome or something.

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