Monday, July 2, 2007

Sooner or later your sins will make you pay...

Until just a few years ago I had never mutilated my body with piercings.

Let me preface the story: After being married for 19 years, my wedding rings, which are a set of three, were beginning to wear so I had them soldered together. From that point on I could never wear them for longer than a few hours before my finger became raw. I told everyone I was allergic to the metal they solder with. Truth is I just got too fat. Once my rings were soldered, being quite wide, they trapped moisture underneath them, and that was the real source of my irritated finger.

Rather than get a new thinner ring (or God forbid, actually lose weight) I decided I go with the verse in the old testament that says "Pierce my ear..." which is a reference to Exodus 21 where if a servant loved his master and chose to remain faithful to him, even though he had the option of leaving, the master would pierce the servant's ear as evidence of his faithfulness. I thought that pretty much represents my marriage: I could leave if I wanted to, but I love my master and want to show that I choose to remain faithful. (I'm so spiritual sometimes it's scary) I had the holes both put in my right lobe, with none in my left ear. Alb bought me some beautiful gold and diamond earrings which I wear every day.

When I made the decision to cut my hair off, I decided that I wanted to wear "danglers" and needed to mutilate my left lobe so I would be balanced. Of course piercings are usually done in pairs and I had them put the 2nd hole in my right ear above my 2 wedding ring holes. I wanted to shift my wedding rings up one hole so I could continue wearing both of them together even when I wear danglers.

Ok, that was the long drawn-out preamble to today's blog:

Last night I was fiddling with the newest piercing in my right ear that was feeling a little irritated. Suddenly I realized it was bleeding a bit so I left it alone. Later I looked in the mirror and realized that while fiddling with it I had pulled the back of the earring into my ear and the back of my lobe had swollen and closed over.

Now those that know me well will know that I am very creeped out by ears and hate people touching my ears. I am very proud of myself for containing my revulsion and remaining the perfect civil hostess for the rest of the evening while we had 40-50 people over for a bbq. It was my intention to go to the ER after everyone left to have it removed. Well! The freaking guests would not leave and it was 2am before the house cleared. Alb offered to take me in then, but I was exhausted and knew I had to be at work at 9:30 because of lack of staff, and I needed at least a bit of sleep to counteract the wine I had drank during the evening. I thought I'd go to hosp after work, and I cried myself to sleep.

Morning came very early and my ear was hot and painful, but off to work I trudged. While it was painful, I think the overwhelming creepiness of the event made things a lot worse than they really were. I only lasted an hour at work before I bailed and headed off to the hospital. Three hours later, I had a frozen ear, a giant bandage covering my wedding rings in my ear and lovely yellow bracelet. I headed back to work.

At this point I couldn't help but think if I had not had Kerri hack off my crown of glory, I'd have a covering to hide the fact that I had mutilated my body.

Oh well. My wound will heal over and I will only get to wear one wedding ring on the days I have the urge to wear a dangler.

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