Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bloggin' Can Be Tough Sloggin'

There are times when I am considered a semi-intelligent person. Other times I amaze even myself at stupid ideas I have. I totally envisioned writing out my blog as we traveled along. I got a nice hard covered notebook and a pen on a string so I wouldn’t lose it in the wind. Uh, yeah. You just don’t write on a neat line at 120 km on the road on a bike.

We knew before we left home that Alb’s laptop was having difficulties. I fired it up last night to catch up on my bloggin’ notes and as I started typing I realized something was drastically wrong. Every time I typed a T the computer inserted t5. About half the keys would insert a second letter when pressed. I could backspace the extra letters out but spell check wasn’t recognizing them as misspelled words. My last blog looked like Chinese before I edited it letter-by-letter.

I wasn’t willing to fight like this for another 6 weeks while on the road. I deked into Staples in Swift Current and walked out the proud owner of my very own HP laptop. Hours later we checked into our campsite in White City Saskatchewan. It had free internet connection. I eagerly dragged my new computer out of the box and fired ‘er up. I got to the windows screen that asked me for my password. What?? Here I have a new computer that I couldn’t log into and I was 300 km from the store I bought it and the store had been closed for 2 hours.

Through the wonders of technology I hooked up with Packer and he held my hand and walked me through the back door and got me blogging in smalltown Nowhere Saskatchewan. It must have been quite a site there in the boonies. Three out of four of us sitting on lawn chairs with laptops while Barbee sat there quilting at the picnic table.

It was sort of overcast today but still in the mid 30s. We traveled 610 km.

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