Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What is happening to me?

I had a hubby day today. Haven't had one of those for a while. Together we dropped off the bike for new tires, brakes and stuff. We went and had coffee with friends (yeah, we've got some) We had lunch at Jade's restaurant. We rescued Jed from the gas station where he filled his bike tire to the point of explosion. We went shopping...

At my suggestion, we went to Princess Auto. I got some magnets to attach our snake skin curtains to the inside of the canopy (our summer sleeping quarters) Albert got nothing.
From there we went to Boutique of Leather, probably my favourite PG shopping store, where they had a buy something at the already sale price get another item at half off the sale price sale. Does it get any better than that?
Alb needed new boots cuz his are 2 years old and starting to show their age. (can you imagine owning a pair of boots for 2 years without getting new ones. Men!) And because they have CSA steel toes, Canfor will generously pay for 90% of the cost. And don't forget about the 1/2 price item they came with...

On any other day in history, I would have taken this as a direct sign from God that I was supposed to get a new leather item. But no. Today, I let Alb get a new vest too. Ooooh, it's lambskin. I think I may borrow it occasionally.

Sitting at home now, and rethinking the event, I scare myself. What is happening to me that I would pass up this perfect opportunity for new leather. (And let us not forget about me choosing to shop at Princess Auto) The only consoling answer I can come up with is that tomorrow is another day.... and Alb will be sleeping after night shift... and I don't work until noon... and the leather sale is still on....

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