Saturday, June 16, 2007

Life is good. (today)

As I sit here at my keyboard feeling beyond pleasantly stuffed after eating baked ham, pasta alfredo, broccoli and a little shot of red wine by the glass or two or three or four, who counts these things anyways - numbers are just trivia, I am thinking there are days when you just have to say "Life is good."

Currently, I have my own personal live band playing in my living room behind me - Just Albert and larrie, and they don't expect tips or even applause. But as I listen to him strum out a few Blue Rodeo songs and a Leonard Cohen number, I can't help but think - what if we run into Jim Cuddie or Leonard in Tim Hortons in Ontario. Okay, Lenny probably only drinks Chai tea in little bistros, but still it could happen. Not likely, but it could. Either way, life is good.

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