Monday, June 18, 2007

The grass is always greener ... before you spray Round-Up

Last year we got grass. The growing legal kind. For the first time in our married life we have a bona fide lawn. (I don't really know what bona fide means, but the word felt right to insert here.) We didn't mess around with seeds and hoses, we went for the good stuff: sod and underground sprinklers.

Confession time. I am 42 years old and I have never pushed a lawn mower. As a result my over-scheduled husband gets to cut the grass between other jobs. This means that often when he mows, he just mows. And the weed wacking around the edges doesn't get done. Soooo, being the helpful wife that I am, I decided I would round-up the tall grass at the edges of the shed and around the flower beds. Uh, yeah. Bad idea folks. And Jed doesn't even live here anymore for me to blame.

Let's back up the story a bit. My Dad used to work for an orchard chemical delivery place and gave me some sort of 'Round-up, only more concentrated and stronger'. As if plants can get any deader than the dead that Round-up produces. Well he told me to use about a tablespoon of the stuff to a gallon of water, but this just doesn't seem strong enough when you go to do it, so I usually add about a cup or two. Listen to your Dad, Liana.

Well about a week later, when we returned from our 5 days away, we saw the results. Poor Alb. All his hard work in the yard and I have it all nicely framed with brown dead grass in a pattern that has sort of leached further than I intended it to. And I mean it is D. E. D. dead. He didn't say a word about it, bless his heart.

He just bought me a nice little girly-garden for inside. His little attached note said "I love you more." But I think he meant "I love you mower."

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