Friday, May 11, 2007

Little Gardeners

I was on Sunday School in April. I have a great group of 3 and 4 year olds. Seriously, this current batch of kids is the best group I've had in years... if you can get past the occasional poopy pants to clean up.

As part of the post-Easter theme we planted seeds in tiny little pellet planters like you see above. You know...the seed looks dead, but you put it in the ground, like a grave, and miraculously it comes alive. Remind you of anyone you know? And 4 weeks before Mother's Day, it was perfect timing to have a beautiful mini garden to present to the mommies.

Yeah right. The nice little domed mini greenhouse sat in the window. Jed made sure it got watered. (almost daily, I think) Well, here we are at Mother's Day week and I want to place the plants into nice little containers for the children to take home. Not one - count 'em- Zero seeds even sprouted. What we have is little floating islands of peat!

Now I guess all we can do is pray that the children don't remember about them on Sunday.... and thank God that we've moved on to a new Sunday School teacher this month and I don't have to explain it to them.


Zanitram said...

You could buy some beautiful plants at art knapps... kind of takes away the meaning though doesn't it?

Zanitram said...

Oh and a quick little tip on your interest rate on your large savings account. Go to ingdirect
and recieve 3.5%!! I've been using it for a few years now and it's great!