Sunday, April 29, 2007

4 days in and I already wanna bail

Here I am 4 days into my new venture of blogging and I already have nothing to talk about. I'm sure once we get out on the road, life will be one adventure after another and each day I'll have tons of things to share, but in this training phase, my life is pretty much same old, same old.

I could write about being on kitchen duty and having to go early to church today only to discover they have completely changed the routine and somehow forgot to make sure I got the memo. It was another one of those "Your name starts with zed, and we ran out of bulletins before we got to you" incidents. So try, if you can, to picture making coffee for 180 people with a 12-cup Betty Crocker pot ... with a permanent mesh basket filter - you know, the kind that lets all the sludge and dregs get through. I know it's a conspiracy on behalf of the church to have the kitchen staff (most of whom own Tim Horton's 3-minute brew pots) get so frustrated we all pitch in and buy a Bunn restaurant style brewer, or at the very least a Horton's pot.

Now imagine my delight when I found a lone coffee filter to line the mesh basket with. Now imagine the looks I got when I rinsed and wrung out this filter 5 times to re-use it. Hey, I have a reputation of making good coffee, and I'll be darned if I let a mesh filter mess it up. Okay, this part isn't true ... but it coulda happened, had I discovered only one filter, instead of the dozen or so that I did.

1 comment:

GraceeJ said...

I love a lady that takes making coffee as seriously as I do.

Don't worry about your lack of inspiration. If you blog it, they will come.